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Accepting entry of any individual entering this event as a paid or comp spectator or participant, each of the following persons (spouse, children and /or guests), as represented and authorized by the person whose name appears as the purchaser, do hereby authorize, permit, give, grant, license, relinquish and release to Sand Sports Super Show, Costa Mesa, CA and to any of its affiliates, licensees agents and representatives, the absolute right to do each of the following activities involving each said persons, whether for commercial and non-commercial purposes and uses, whether in connection with, before, during, or after the event or otherwise, and without any further payment, consideration or notice from Sand Sports Super Show, Costa Mesa, CA and in the sole discretion of Sand Sports Super Show, Costa Mesa, CA, to:
(a) photograph, draw, depict, copy characterize, and/or recreate any images or likeness of each said persons;
(b) print, publish and/or release details and /or information about any of said persons; and
(d) create, assemble, manufacture, print, distribute and/or sell advertising, magazines, brochures, flyers, posters, T-shirts, packaging, and/or articles of manufacture which show said persons, and/or any image thereof.
These rights to Sand Sports Super Show include, but are not limited to, any proprietary rights, intellectual property and/or copyright interests necessary to carry out each of the above-identified activities, and further includes world-wide, non-exclusive and royalty-free license.